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Planning Board Minutes 09/12/04
Planning Board Minutes
September 12, 2004
Chilmark Town Hall

In attendance: William Meegan-Chair, Edward (Tip) Kenyon, Mitchell Posin, John Flender, Russell Walton, Richard Osnoss, and Deborah Cini.

Absent: Annabel Dietz

William Meegan called the meeting to order at 4:33p.m.

Glen Provost as the agent for John Roglieri Map 25 Lot 116. Ellen Kaplan Esq. was also present. Glen Provost presented a Form A with the purpose of moving a 20’ right of way farther from the guest house and closer to the property lot line. There was mention by the Planning Board to consider a Form C requirement and it was decided that the Form A was sufficient for this situation. There was a motion to approve and the motion was seconded. William Meegan question if there was and discussion on the matter further and motion passed with a unanimous vote.  Planning Board signed the Form A approval.
Glen Provost asked what the fee for this situation would be and Richard Osnoss replied that a $100.00 fee that is consistent with a Form A approval.  Motion to approve the $100.00 fee was seconded and was approved unanimously with out discussion.

The minutes from the September 27th, 2004 meeting were discussed and approved with one amendment.

The minutes from the September 13th, 2004 meeting were again discussed and tabled. Deborah Cini will attempt to redo the section of the minutes regarding the Sylvia McAlpin Walsh Revocable Trust with Russell Walton.

Discussion of the Special Town Meeting and the wording of the by-law ensued.

Mail was discussed.
Email from the MVC regarding All Island Planning Board meetings. It was proposed that the second Thursday of every month was adequate. Deborah Cini will email the response.

There was discussion about the flowers that were sent to Annabel Dietz and that her son and daughter very much appreciated them.

It was brought to the table the idea of sending Bea Atkinson a plant or flowers. Deborah Cini suggested a Bonsai plant since it is low maintenance and is very beautiful. The Planning Board agreed and Deborah Cini will order the plant with her credit card and the Planning Board will each pay an equal share.

The situation regarding the Melanie Coleman escrow account was brought up. Melanie Coleman had called Russell Walton and had asked if we could release the $30,000.00 she had placed in escrow with the town. Melanie Coleman placed the money in escrow and it was to be released upon completion of the road, electricity and cable services.

Russell Walton made the mention that the Planning Board could withhold 10% of the $30,000.00 as a security. This would allow money to be available if the road does hold up over the winter. The Planning Board considered this proposal with further discussion. Eventually the Planning Board decided to release the amount owed to Melanie Coleman in full. Motion to approve was put forth and seconded. Motion carried with all in approval except Russell Walton who voted against.

Edward (Tip) Kenyon brought to the table the idea of getting back to subdivision regulations. It was discussed the Deborah Cini would look in the computer to find any updated files of the current subdivision regulation and it would be brought up at the next meeting. John Flender surrendered his copy to Deborah Cini to be returned a.s.a.p.

William Meegan asked what was needed for the spring annual town meeting. Discussion ensued.

It was also asked of Deborah Cini to look up a letter from the Planning Board to Walter M. Meinelt.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50p.m.